2 Webapps hosted on same server talking to each other – do they use eth1 or lo1?

I am trying to establish bandwidth needs for a set of webapps in the company. I am using SNMP to monitor the bandwidth on the eth1 interface, however I am trying to establish what is going over the pipe as far as all the intertwined webapps go.

We have several webapps all hosted on the same tomcat instance, although they are designed so that the different webapps can be hosted on different machines, and as such talk to each other through HTTP.

If webapp A talks to webapp B on the same hosted tomcat instance via HTTP calls, will these values show on the network bandwidth charts, or does linux (CentOS 6.5) or tomcat (7.0) know they are hosted on the same machine and then route them accordingly (through lo1/loopback/localhost or other means).

Many thanks.


Source : Link , Question Author : Mitch Kent , Answer Author : Community

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