What is the internet Bandwidth needed to support 2000 concurrent requests?

For one our projects, we need to calculate the internet bandwidth required to support 2000 concurrent requests/per second. Following is the scenario detail:

  • If 1 user accesses the page, the response page size comes around 8 KB/Second
  • So if we have to support 2000 concurrent request, the 2000 x 8 KB = 16000 KB/Second would have to be supported.
  • If I convert 16000 KB into Mbps, it comes to 128 Mbps

So my question is: do I really need 128 Mbps internet bandwidth? Or is there something wrong with my calculation?


A lot is wrong.

  • You assume no compression. Depending on the data that can be extremely hugh.
  • You assume this has to be YOUR bandwidth – i.e. it is all dynamically generated and there is no way to offload some of the bandwith to a CDN to serve static content, images etc.

Your request is “off” (as in: unusual) in that you calculate a request as KB/Second – this seems to assume an ongoing connection (i.e. streaming information for a longer time). If that is the case – compression may or may not work, but generally – yes, you do need bandwidth like this. 128 megabit is not exactly a lot, at least technically.

That said, unless you want spikes to happen I would make sure I am not using mroe than 60% of my b andwidth – which would put that in a 200mbit pipe. Still no problem as I have no problem getting a 1gigabit link on a server. This is 2015.

Source : Link , Question Author : Urmil Mehta , Answer Author : TomTom

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