I have hidden and unreachable workspaces – how do I cancel them?

I have double workspaces, whether I enable them or not. If not enabled, some pdf’s open in an unreachable hidden workspace [I know it’s there because I can see the Document Viewer open in the launcher]. If I enable workspaces(4 normally), I see the ‘double’ ones when I go from e.g. no.1 to no.2 using … Read more

Ubuntu with Openbox: desktop switching not working

I am using Ubuntu 14.04. It came with Unity and then I installed lubuntu-desktop. I am now using Openbox that comes with Lubuntu. From its documentation, Ctrl+Alt+arrow keys should switch desktop but it does not work. Nothing happens when I press Ctrl+Alt+up/left/right. When I press Ctrl+Alt+down, the icon of desktop switching shows up but still … Read more

Change Ubuntu 12.04 (with Gnome) number of workspaces via command line

I’m trying to change the number of workspaces on my Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome from a terminal. It’s easily done by right clicking on the workspaces preview in the panel, but I would like to be able to do it from a shell script. My guess is to go through some gsettings org.gnome. command, but … Read more

gnome-terminal – open new window instead of finding the existing one

A recent change is that running gnome-terminal (the “Terminal” application) from the launcher now finds an existing window if one is open. In 18.04, doing this would always open a new terminal window. This is really annoying. I typically have half a dozen workspaces open for different things, and when I try to launch a … Read more