Start nautilus as root using wayland

In the past when X11 was the default server for the display it was possible to start nautilus as root then navigate where ever required. Since the release of wayland, this behavior has changed, at least on my computer. This is what happens $ sudo nautilus [sudo] Mot de passe de mh-cbon : ** (org.gnome.Nautilus:24429): … Read more

Debian slow start after upgrade – Gnome/Wayland issue ? (Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid – Gnome 3.34.1)

After upgraded my Debian testing few weeks ago, I realise that my boot take 1 minute more to show login screen. 1 minute is a timeout during boot. I did’nt notice that before because I always use suspend mode (it’s still fast that way, even with this issue) and I’m not in front of screen … Read more

Qt5 on Wayland – how to set keyboard repeat rate?

I’m running SwayWM. I set the keyboard repeat delay and rate in ~/.config/sway/config as: input * repeat_delay 180 input * repeat_rate 50 This works in everything except Qt5 applications. Qt5 applications use their own repeat delay and rate, and it is unaffected by the Sway settings. How can I change the keyboard repeat delay and … Read more

After f32 update on Acer Laptop: built-in keyboard not working

Update: I tried several distros and finally installed the Fedora Compiz Mate Desktop. It works fine with built-in-Keyboard working. But running sudo dnf update installed me a newer kernel, where I have the same issures. I roughly checked some journal-entrys, but it looks quite the same. Actual workaround: I manually select the older kernel and … Read more

how to force GDM to use wayland

I got a Xorg driver problem that causes the mouse cursor 1 seconds behind the mouse movement when in x11. This can be cured by launching gnome-session in WAYLAND mode if [[ -z $DISPLAY && $(tty) == /dev/tty1 && $XDG_SESSION_TYPE == tty ]]; then MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec dbus-run-session gnome-session; fi Is there a way … Read more

What’s the Wayland equivalent of ~/.xsession?

As a normal, no root access, end-user of my work machine, I’ve always started my windowmanager of choice with ~/.xsession. In recent years this is done with xinit-compat, which, as I understand it on Federa, runs Xorg and then runs my user session. The latest release of my windowmanager can function as a Wayland compositor … Read more

Do Wayland “windows” really have no decorations or ways to position/resize them?

I have been experimenting with Wayland by writing some simple programs that render some basic OpenGL stuff to an EGL surface. This all works great, but I’ve noticed that when requesting a surface/window (i.e. shell) from the compositor, I get literally a blank surface with no titlebar or way to resize or move the window. … Read more

Libinput but timer offset negativ on Arch linux with wayland

Sometimes firefox is freezing my laptop. When i open webpages like this one or this one here. The number of pages which are capable of freezing firefox increases. The log reveals a buch of messages like this one: Nov 23 19:19:45 name org.gnome.Shell.desktop[438]: libinput error: libinput bug: timer event6 trackpoint: offset negative (- xyz) Google … Read more