Corosync unicast issue with different nets

I’m using a setup (on our staging-system) with 2 root-servers and 1 fail-over-ip. As software we use corosync and pacemaker. Corosync is configured for multicast communication via port 5405. –> everything works fine. Now I want to deploy this system on 2 root-server with failover-ip. Well, multicast communication won’t work, because the root-servers are not … Read more

Switch Floods Packets that should be Unicast

I work as a Network Admin in a big company. Lately we noticed an issue with our network infrastructure. Basically our network backend lies on a Catalyst as main L3 backend switch, and few Cisco Nexus switches as edge L2 switches, connected to that Catalyst. The issue appears as we try to sniff traffic on … Read more

Why ARP request is unicast?

I have a wireshark capture that indicating a unicast ARP request from source to destination. As per my understanding ARP requests (including gratutious ARP) use broadcast. In what case the unicast ARP request is used ? Answer See RFC1122, section – ARP Cache Validation: IMPLEMENTATION: Four mechanisms have been used, sometimes in combination, to … Read more

How to determine IP address is unicast or anycast? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I searched the Internet and unable to find an answer. Anyone can help? Answer Determining if an address is either unicast or anycast … Read more