bridging two network interfaces in ubuntu linux 12.10 AND being able to access it from that machine

Ok, i have about had it but heres the deal. I have 7 total machines connected like this: [5 workstations]<—>ServerPC<—->MAINPC<—->router FYI, dont worry about the workstations they are all functioning fine… the router connects to a cable modem for internet access. now the MAINPC has ubuntu 12.10 and previously I have had the two cards … Read more

Error installing nginx with Passenger on Ubuntu 12.10 for Ruby 2.0.0 [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 8 years … Read more

Tell NetworkManager to ignore or not probe rfcomm0

I’m trying to remotely connect to a system via Bluetooth but am running into problems. Here’s what I’m trying to do… On the remote device I’d like to have the following running: rfcomm -r watch 0 3 getty -L {} 9600 What that does is: Watch on the bluetooth device “0” for an rfcomm connection … Read more

SSH invalid open call: O_CREAT without mode

I’m having troubles to connect to my server via SSH. It runs Ubuntu 12.10. I can access the server using a normal user, but I can’t access it using root. It seems ssh authenticates well, but the problem happens just after it let me in. Here’s the output: $ ssh’s password: *** invalid … Read more

lamp – is this virtual host creation process correct?

I recently reinstalled ubuntu on my system and I cannot get virtual hosts to work properly. What I’m trying to accomplish is typing ‘test’ on my browser and pointing to my local machine on the location /var/www/test I have followed several tutorials on the subject, and after every one of them, w3m test outputs the … Read more

Issue with solr memory usage

I’m having memory problems with a Solr slave instance. The problem is that every time the slave replicates new changes from the master, the slave starts a new searcher, and apparently the old one isn’t released. Eventually the young collection is full, and it spills into the old collection (or at least that’s how it … Read more

OpenVPN: Run ‘bridge-start’ on boot before starting openvpn service (Ubuntu)

I’ve got OpenVPN working properly on my server, using bridge-start and bridge-stop scripts to create and remove network bridge, respectively. How do I set these scripts up to run bridge-start at boot before starting OpenVPN, and bridge-stop at shutdown after stopping OpenVPN? I’ve tried adding up “/path/to/bridge-start” and down “/path/to/bridge-stop” to server.conf but the bridge … Read more

Using rsync to copy from HFS+ to HFS+ on Linux

I have a small linux server. I have data on several HFS+ drives that I’d like to consolidate to another HFS+ drive. The drives will be connected to the server via a USB HDD dock. I’m running Ubuntu 12.10 on the server. If I copy files from HFS+ to HFS+ with linux in the middle, … Read more

when use . after myhost.mydomain in config files?

I noticed sometimes ‘.‘ can be seen at the end of myhost.mydomain so it is myhost.mydomain. ^^^ statement. Where should I use this ‘.‘ at the end? Currently in etc/hosts I don’t use ending ‘.’ Also not in local-host-names, and never, I think. Where and when it is needed? please give some links if this … Read more

adding new hosts in icinga web

Using Ubuntu 12.10 server. icinga with idoutils and icinga-web. Have ability to see hosts if I add them in the localhost_icinga.cfg however from my understanding you can create a host.cfg based on systems. example: windows.cfg to monitor all windows machines via NSclient++ (similar to Nagios) Everytime I create a new host.cfg icinga either gives me … Read more