Why does Tramp hang when sending Perl scripts to the remote host?

I know that this is not directly programming related, but I’m stumped, and since Emacs is my main programming tool… I am trying to set up Tramp to connect to my testing host. I’m invoking it either using /ssh:host:.bashrc or /scp:host:.bashrc but both of these run into the same problem, sooner or later. They get … Read more

TRAMP constantly re-opens connection over ssh

I’m attempting to use TRAMP to for editing files remotely with Emacs (v 26.1), but I’m finding that it’s nearly impossible to work without the connection constantly being re-established. This makes it impossible to work without constant interruption. Basically, just navigating inside the remote file yields the following lines every 3 seconds: Tramp: Opening connection … Read more

Slow TRAMP mode in Emacs

How can I make Emacs TRAMP mode faster? I have ControlMaster auto in my SSH config, and it is working: $ time ssh -v debel echo foo OpenSSH_5.6p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8r 8 Feb 2011 debug1: Reading configuration data /Users/jmdeldin/.ssh/config debug1: Applying options for * debug1: Applying options for debel debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config debug1: Applying … Read more

How to specify for emacs tramp which remote shell to open?

Besides opening remote files, tramp can be used to run a remote shell. Unfortunately, there is a problem. On a local machine i have zsh and on remote server only bash is installed. Issuing M-x shell results in exec: 24: /bin/zsh: not found message. Can I somehow tweak tramp to run bash? Answer Try M-x … Read more

How can I tell Emacs TRAMP to use specific arguments to ssh?

I’m trying to set up my Emacs TRAMP to access remote files via ssh, and I would like to add some additional arguments to the ssh command that tramp uses for connecting. Is there a way to do this? I could do it by directly manipulating the variable tramp-methods, but that’s icky. Answer I came … Read more