SonarQube 7.7 Does not start on CentOS Linux

Title says everything. Same error happens with SonarQube 6.7.7 LTS but I write only 7.7 issues here. I have no version restriction which I should use. I downloaded SonarQube 7.7 from your website. Configured limits as following: # cat /etc/security/limits.conf | grep sonar sonarqube – nofile 65536 sonarqube – nproc 4096 In sysctl.conf I set … Read more

nginx reverse proxy doing loop, how to configure sonarqube https reverse proxy correctly?

I am encountering trouble with NGINX doing the HTTPS reverse proxy to sonarqube. Issue is caused by proxy_set_header Host $host, when it set, I keep getting redirected in loop. When not set, I get redirected to the intranet IP, resulting in DNS failure. It seems that the application is doing some sort of redirection. I … Read more

Sonarqube Github authentication plugin is not recognizing organisation

I’m using the Sonarqube github authentication plugin. I want to make it so that only users in my Github organisation can sign up. It does not appear to work because even users that are in my organisation are blocked with the reason: Reason: ‘username’ must be a member of at least one organization: ‘{{organisation_name}}’ The … Read more