How do I open a json file compressed with snappy compression?

A firefox extension has become corrupt which means I can’t export my data using the graphical user interface, but I can copy my profile data associated with my extension by copying a folder. The file that has the relevant profile data I want is a json file compressed with snappy. How do I de-compress it? … Read more

Get Complete URL

I would like ask how to get full url address (even “GET” request type or any other types). Does it have any software for Windows or Ubuntu users? Initial link is that: “” But I need to get ““. It doest not matter which language is being used. I need result. I am able to … Read more

Disabling online video playing ability of Windows 10 run PC

How to disable the online video playing ability of Windows 10 OS? SO that it can not play videos online like videos on facebook or any other website but it can play downloaded videos. Answer Aside from very dirty solutions already posted, which also disable local playback, this is impossible. Videos are streaming via port … Read more

Automatically stitch screencasts of e.g. OneNote into a large image

Suppose I have screencasts of somebody writing on e.g. OneNote. In order to get a large stitched image out of this video footage, I could manually take screenshots and most likely find a program to stitch them together automatically. So, probably, the bigger problem is automating the generation/choice of screenshots. It’s important to consider that … Read more

How to transfer HP system recovery from a DVD to an USB?

I have a laptop with a broken win7 installation (came preinstalled), and I deleted the recovery partition (I backed it up beforehand, but it seems that repartitioning and pasting the files back isn’t recognised by my system as legitimate). I also made recovery media before hand, on DVDs, in four copies. However, my PC refuses … Read more

Control audio playback using mouse only?

When listing to music on laptop, with the lid closed, the only control available is through mouse. I’m looking for a software that I can use to map different audio playback features to mouse buttons, for example, left button: pause/play, right button: next song, scroll:volume level, .etc… A somewhat necessary feature would be stopping any … Read more

Alternative to Object Bar

Does anybody know any alternatives to stardocks “ObjectBar”, because if I use that, it stuffs up my computer. Answer Samurize? It doesn’t (by itself, anyway, there are other piece of software to do it) knock a bit off your screen, but you can certainly make always-on-top bars full of useful information, and interactive interactivity with … Read more