10 connections limit for share on XP [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question The scenario is as follows: Several users are working on local files ( each has its own file ). In the end all … Read more

Windows server has trouble connecting to file shares

Server is running Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, Rest are Server 2008 R2 Standard I think its an issue with the credentials that it’s using? This is a backup server that connects to the admin shares of the other servers and backs them up. It has connectivity issues, it can connect to some machines but not … Read more

Windows Server 2003 R2 as Fileserver is not available in network

we are operating a Windows Server 2003 R2. After a restart the server with its shares is reachable via unc and ip (e.g. \\ws\folder1 or \\\folder1). That works for at least 5 minutes after a restart. I have checked the firewall, AV is turned off and some other services that are running on this machine. … Read more

Shares not working on Server 2016 domain controller [duplicate]

This question already exists: Cannot join domain from new machine – the network path was not found Closed 3 years ago. I dealing with a domain controller which was recently compromised. There is no valid backup to recover from. I’m trying to join a new machine to the domain so that I can promote it … Read more

Exporting Linux shares to Linux clients with no per-share group authentication and no permission issues

Given one Linux server, and many Linux clients, I need to export some shared directories from the server. The behavior I want to obtain is really simple: a group of users can use a shared space on the server, without having to worry about the existence of UNIX file permissions. If I were in a … Read more

ubuntu set up as router lan pc can ping one direction and get shares but other direction can not ping or connect shares

I have ubuntu router questions. you can see tracert can complete on way but not other way. How to make that work? (a better visual layout exists here) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12444760#post12444760 This way from second win7 works to first win7 C:\Users\scott>tracert Tracing route to WIN7 [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 … Read more

Domain controller stops mapping drives from file server

File Server: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Domain Controller: Windows Server Standard FE 2003 SP2 This has happened twice now. User will try and log in using their domain accounts and will receive the black screen of death after hanging at the “mapping drives” stage at log in. They will eventually get into their account … Read more

Shares appear different when accessing via short name vs. FQDN

We recently relocated a data center from one part of the country to another. Literally picked up all the equipment (most were VMWare guests) and dropped it into the new datacenter, and changed the routes. No IP addresses were changed as a part of the move, which is the only reason I even bring it … Read more

Azure drive shares

Azure drive shares, I attached storage to my main Azure server for my other servers to access via network locations as a mapped drive, since I have shutdown the servers over the weekend they are no longer able to connect, any ideas ? Getting the error network path not found. Answer You might want to … Read more