How can I get GrowlTunes to Launch whenever iTunes Launches?

I think I would be able to do this by modifying iTunes’ launch services. Any idea how to go about that? Would editing its info.plist file in a manner similar to below do what I’m looking for? <key>LSOpenApplication</key> <string>?</string> EDIT: Would provide any hints? EDIT2:’s official Mac Scrobbler ( is a perfect example … Read more

Using fixed-width fonts with Growl

I’d like to write a wrapper for growlnotify that growls output from cowsay. $ cowsay ‘this is cowsay’ ________________ < this is cowsay > —————- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||—-w | || || I’ve hunted through all the available Growl themes & appearance options but can’t work out how to change the font … Read more

python, cron and the interaction with Growl

I have the following python file called import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(‘growlnotify -m \”Program is not running\”‘, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) retval = p.wait() print “end” it works fine from the command line with ‘python’ and `sudo python’ (all it needs to do is display the growl notification) I open up crontab with … Read more

Specify display style to use with the growlnotify command-line utility

Is there any way to change what display style is used with the growlnotify command line utility? I don’t want to change the default one, just the one that is used for that instance of the command. Answer man growlnotify does not allow an option, and growlnotify –help doesn’t mention anything either. Which makes sense, … Read more

How do I use gntp-send?

I’m currently attempting to hack together a way to send notifications to my Android cellphone using growl, and its various forms from Windows and Linux systems. At the current point of time, I’m using the growlnotify binary from growl for windows for testing. It works perfectly from a local system running windows, without any arguments … Read more

Web page change monitoring for Mac OS X

There is a site that I need to monitor for changes and pop an alarm if the change is over a certain threshold. Ideally it would use Growl to pop the notification but I’m open to alternatives. If there is an application out there that does this for purchase, I’ll just buy it. If not, … Read more

How to permanently remove Growl from my Mac

Growl just installed itself on my machine without me requesting it and it has now infected everything – every program I open how do I get rid of it? Answer A simple search finds from the growl official site. It also has this page which may explain how it got on your machine. … Read more

Responding to Growl notifications with Applescript

I’m looking to write some Applescript which is run in response to Growl events. e.g. email arrives from a given user which effects some change on my Nabaztag. I can find plenty on the internet about creating and displaying Growl notifications with Applescript, but not listening for Growl notifications. I don’t have to use Applescript, … Read more