How to downgrade the gnome terminal

I want to downgrade the gnome-terminal from 3.10.2 to 3.6.2, like in How to downgrade packages on Ubuntu? I tried using synaptic but without success and I don’t think it’s as easy as with any other application. Answer As per the output of apt-cache policy gnome-terminal you have installed gnome-terminal 3.10 via PPA and gnome-terminal … Read more

Pipelining and xargs

I am trying to delete some .class file from a directory. So first I have tired to count the available .class file using the following command (after going to the directory) – $ find . -name *.class | wc -l Here I can understand the role of pipelining (|) – the output of the find … Read more

How to set the initial number of columns in gnome-terminal when opening multiple tabs?

I am trying to output log text to gnome-terminal tabs from the command line. This can be useful for saving session data and later restoring it. Here is an example: #! /bin/bash long_text=$(awk “BEGIN { for (i = 1; i < 120; i++ ) { printf \”%s\”, \”1234567890\” } }”) cmd=”bash -c \”stty cols 159; … Read more

gnome-terminal is getting environment variables that other terminals don’t

This is obviously easy to fix, I just want to understand it. I know Linux, but I’m not very familiar with Ubuntu. gnome-terminal is getting environment variables that other terminals (xterm, rxvt-unicode, Linux console) are not. In particular, gnome-terminal gets http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy, and all caps versions of those. Those variables are not in … Read more

No menus on terminal

When i was learning how to use terminal, i accidently click “Dont show menus” on terminal preferences, now i unable to access terminal preferences to re-enable menu bar. Is there any command or easy way to revert change ? Answer No need to revert. Simply run following command on terminal, this should re-enable your “missing” … Read more

Customizing Gnome-Terminal Colors

I have selected white-on-black color scheme for Gnome-Terminal. But it keeps using green to display executable files and uses different colored background to display some directories. How can I enforce strict “white-on-black” for all items on the screen? Answer To temporary disable colors for ls use \ls or use dir For a permanent change you … Read more

Added `export` command in `.bashrc` to update PATH with binary location — GUI apps don’t know about update even though terminal does?

I had to add an: export PATH=”/path/to/my/bin:$PATH” to my bash.rc, for progA‘s binary library location. Now, whenever I start a GNOME Terminal instance, I can type progA and hit return and the right binary is executed. However, if I run progA through a GUI launched app, my system fumbles and doesn’t know where progA‘s bin … Read more