Azure policy definitions as code: avoiding duplicate parameter definitions

I’m looking to create a number of Azure policies using infrastructure as code. The MS Documentation advises a structure as below: . | |- policies/ ________________________ # Root folder for policy resources | |- policy1/ ______________________ # Subfolder for a policy | |- policy.json _________________ # Policy definition | |- policy.parameters.json ______ # Policy definition … Read more

PHP Fatal error: Ca ll to undefined function json_encode() ..? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 10 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Enable json_decode() on my system Im trying to use json with php and i keep getting the error “PHP Fatal error: Ca ll to undefined function json_encode()”. I am using php version 5.3.6 and on phpinfo(); nothing mentions json. Any suggestions? (using freeBSD) … Read more

No builder returned for name: vagrant error

I just want to provision a standard Ubuntu 12.04 image with a shell script, and then package it so I can use it with Vagrant. This is the configuration I wrote: { “builders”: [{ “type”: “vagrant”, “iso_url”: “”, “iso_checksum”: “2cbe868812a871242cdcdd8f2fd6feb9”, “iso_checksum_type”: “md5” }], “provisioners”: [{ “type”: “shell”, “script”: “” }], “post-processors”: [“vagrant”] } Unfortunately ‘packer … Read more

Internaly hosted alternative to cloudbased nobackend solution like Firebase

In an environment where I can’t use a cloud based service like Firebase, I’m looking for recommendation for an internally hosted nobackend solution. I could use node or meteor but really am just wanting to get functionality to Firebase, without spending resources on server-side development. Any ideas? I imagine node or meteor can do essentially … Read more

Squid GET request returns incorrect content type when using transparent mode

I’m trying to establish the cause of a strange issue with mobile device that goes through a Squid 3.3 proxy on CentOS 7 using transparent mode which is not able to access news content within the Bing News app on Windows Phone 8. When content loads I just get an error with “An error occurred … Read more

accounting in rlm_rest Module freeradius

I work on a Hotspot Project with Coova Chilli and Freeradius. I Use FreeRADIUS in the latest stable Version 3.0.11. I created my rest and sites-enabled config file according to this post: Configuring rlm_rest module in FreeRadius Sadly, there is no Information about setting up accounting via rest, so i tried following: sites-enabled/default: accounting { … Read more

JSON Parse Error in Windows Sensu Client Powershell Setup Script – unexpected character at line 1, column 1

I am creating a install script for Sensu on Windows and am getting this error upon starting the service: { “timestamp”: “2016-04-14T23:05:45.043371+0100”, “level”: “warn”, “message”: “config file must be valid json”, “file”: “C:/opt/sensu/conf.d/client.json”, “error”: “unexpected character at line 1, column 1 [parse.c:652]” } This error is given on all JSON config files. Here is my … Read more

Why HTTP 501 error of type JSON presented to UI as text/html instead of application/json?

I have front-end Angular running on Apache with back-end Spring REST API on Tomcat. I wanted to throw 501 error in some error case and want that response to be presented as JSON to UI (Content-Type as “application/json”). This works fine in my local as expected with Angular is able to interpret the JSON response … Read more

Zabbix Discovery JSON Formatting

I trying to create a discovery rule to monitor a enterprise application, and my script return the follow JSON. { “data”: [{ “{#NODENAME}”: “node1”, “{#NODEINTERFACE}”: [“eth0”, “eth1”] }, { “{#NODENAME}”: “node2”, “{#NODEINTERFACE}”: [“eth2”, “eth3”] } ] } On Zabbix Interface i created the discovery with the follow parameters: Name:: Discovery nodes and interfaces Type: Zabbix … Read more