Stuck at setting up Postfix correctly with my own list of domains [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question I’m setting up Postfix + PostgreSql on FreeBsd to host my email server. I’m about 50% done. I’m confused with several *.cf files … Read more

How do I learn IPSec VPN implementation on FreeBSD from pfSense

I’ve been trying to figure out a complete working solution for IPSec VPN implementation on FreeBSD but with no luck till now. pfSense seems did a fantastic job on supporting IPSec and even for mobile clients, so I downloaded and installed pfSense hoping to figure out how it works, or at least see some configuration … Read more

Comparing “user time” for same operations on different cpu

In my accounting system i limit using cpu-time by user. But on servers with different cpu’s same operation may take different cpu-time. Now i want compare perfomance for my servers to introduce factor wich helps me make accounting system more “honest”. Please, give me some advice about comparing performance of cpus. UPD: I found ubench … Read more

FreeBSD and Windows 2008 virtualization on primarily FreeBSD server

I have a FreeBSD machine that I want to also run Windows 2008 on. The machine is currently a file server, which is a role it will need to keep. All of the disks are formatted as BSD FFS and can’t be reformatted. There are two approaches I have in mind, but I’m not sure … Read more

How to commit update to ports?

5.5.32 version of MariaDB (MySQL replacement) was released in 18th july but in FreeBSD ports we still have 5.5.31. What ways I have to commit this update to ports? Answer If you have a patch ready to update the port to 5.5.32, create a PR and email the maintainer of the port. If you don’t … Read more

Freebsd shutdown privileges

I need to create a user and deny them permission to turn off the machine. DO SOMEONE KNOW HOW TO CHANGE THE PERMISSIONS OF A NORMAL USER TO NOT ALLOW ME TO TURN OFF? Answer Use of shutdown requires a privileged account. From’s documentation: One must be root or a member of operator in … Read more

Upgrading to freebsd10 breaks apache24

Until now I was using freebsd9 with apache22 with ssl, every thing went well. But recently I moved to freebsd10 (fresh install) and then installed apache24 with same config as on old machine. Everything is ok except that apache24 when used with ssl on port 443 produces error AH022240: Server should be SSL-aware but has … Read more

Firewall rules does not apply to pfsense hosted machine [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed last year. Improve this question I am using pfsense as my home firewall and configured multi-wan setup. In addition, I have installed package ‘Telegraf ‘ package for exporting my … Read more