ColdFusion 2018 and BlazeDS DateTime Parse Error for Three Char Daylight Saving Time Code

When using BlazeDS (Flex app) to send dates to CF, and the date sent is within Daylight Saving Time, CF fails with an error [BlazeDS] Error deserializing client message. coldfusion.runtime.locale.CFLocaleBase$InvalidDateTimeException: July 8, 2016 6:00:00 PM EDT is an invalid date or time string. My guess is that this is likely caused by CF 2018 using … Read more

Possible to establish an *exclusive* Remote Desktop session to bypass FLEX?

Remote Desktop sessions are by default not exclusive–they’re shared. So multiple users can log into the same box. This is causing problems for me, as I am trying to access software that connects to a FLEX license server. FLEX won’t allow connections through RD. See here for more info: VNC is not an option … Read more

What’s the difference between Adobe Flash Pro, Flash Catalyst and Flash Builder?

I’ve been playing with Macromedia Flash MX 2004 long time ago. Then I lost my interest in Flash and now I want to reincarnate my knowledge. There are lots of books, but I do not know with which technology I should start. Could someone explain me whats the “big” difference betweeen those products ? Answer … Read more