ext2 file system and Solaris 10

I have Solaris 10 installed on computer and I have USB flash drive with ext2fs partition. I want to mount flash drive and do this: 1) Download FSWpart and FSWfsmisc packages 2) Install: root~#gzcat FSWpart.tar.gz | tar xvf – root~#gzcat FSWfsmisc.tar.gz | tar xvf – root~#pkgadd -d . FSWpart root~#pkgadd -d . FSWfsmisc 3) Run … Read more

inodes and tree-depth in ext2

I have an ext2 filesystem with a maximum number of inodes per directory (somewhere around 32k), and also a maximum number of inodes in the entire filesystem (somewhere around 350m). Because I’m using this filesystem as a datastore for a service that has in excess of 32k objects, I’m distributing those objects between multiple subdirectories … Read more

ext2 dump/restore problem

I am running a mailserver with maildir storage. This means that quite a lot of files are created and I have just run out of inodes. AFAIK there is no magic command to increase number of inodes on ext# filesystem (or am I wrong?) so I have to backup and restore the whole filesystem. But … Read more

Mount Ext3 from external drive in Vista [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Closed 10 years ago. Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. How can I access data from Ext3 partition on external (USB) HDD from Windows … Read more

mkfs fs-options for ext2 loopback device for backup

I’m looking to create a loopback device for local temporary backup storage. This will be used to store ~1000 files in ~20 directories. I understand I’d need to use the mkfs command along the lines of: mkfs -t ext2 [ fs-options ] /path/to/image What I don’t understand is: What fs-options options are available for an … Read more

Online resize of ext2 – Bug?

An ext2 filesystem can be resized – as long as the underlying block device can be resized – but not ONLINE. However, as another posting of mine has showed, if the ext2 filesystem is mounted as ext4 then resize2fs will not give an errormessage. System information: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) e2fsprogs-1.41.12-14.el6_4.2.x86_64 … Read more