How to make second IP the “outgoing” one? [Debian/Networking/Docker]

we would like to setup a small transactional email server for outgoing emails to confirm transactions. As IPs are the most important identifier of email servers and whitelisted by the spam checkers, I would like to use a fail-over/floating IP as the “primary” one for outgoing connections. The server has the primary IP and I … Read more

trouble installing php-ldap on debian 9

I’m trying to install php-ldap on a mediawiki image that uses php:7.2-apache for my Kubernetes deployment. I’ve already ran apt-get update and tried adding the ppa. apt-get install php-ldap php7.3-ldap 7.3.4-1+0~20190412071350.37+stretch~1.gbpabc171 [Not candidate version] php7.2-ldap 7.2.17-1+0~20190412071344.20+stretch~1.gbp23a36d [Not candidate version] php7.1-ldap 7.1.28-1+0~20190412071216.17+stretch~1.gbpbe9b36 [Not candidate version] php7.0-ldap 7.0.33-6+0~20190412071436.12+stretch~1.gbp26747c [Not candidate version] php5.6-ldap 5.6.40-6+0~20190412071127.13+stretch~1.gbp7ce36b [Not candidate version] php7.3-ldap … Read more

Is there anyone successfully running a mail server in google cloud? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 8 months ago. Improve this question Mail servers cannot resolve to my SMTP mail server in google cloud. Can someone please help? Its a mailcow server … Read more

How can I run two docker containers in the same network namespace?

I want to run two docker containers in the same Linux network namespace. My goal is to route all my torrent traffic through OpenVPN. This script successfully creates a openvpn client container. I can successfully enter this namespace and verify my IP address is indeed the OpenVPN IP address. My issue is – How do … Read more

Link containers on cockpit

I think this is a pretty common scenario, but I don’t seem to find a solution. Given: 1. A container with an application that requires a database, 2. A database container; I need to link those containers so the application uses the database. I have fedora server, and using cockpit for managing images/containers is really … Read more

Is 1:1 the ideal VM consolidation ratio when using containers (e.g. Docker)? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question Here’s my problem: I have some servers I want to deploy REST services as Docker containers … Read more

Docker container setup on Docker free web server

Simple question, but I haven’t found much after Googling. What I would like to create Linux systems that are based on Docker containers from Docker hub. If I temporary need a docker-engine this would be OK, once I create a Linux image, but after that docker and docker-engine packages would not be needed. Any idea … Read more