Mapping a drive from Windows on a remote Mac via SMB [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I have a Mac Mini in one of our offices that is used as a file server locally. I would like for it … Read more

Unable to mount cifs in redhat 6

I am relatively new to Linux, and I am trying to mount a CIFS filesystem from an openfiler instance I have on my network in Red Hat. The openfiler instance is authenticating using AD. I am able to connect using samba: smbclient ‘\\\cluster_storage.cluster.Cluster’ -U [DOMAIN]+[USERNAME] Enter DOMAIN+USERNAME’s password: Domain=[DOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.6] smb: \> When … Read more

How can I use mount a NetApp NFS drive on Windows so I can create symlinks on it?

I tried two ways of mounting a NetApp NFS drive on a Windows server: Mounting using SMB/CIFS from NetApp Mounting as a NFS drive using Windows NFS Sevices With none of them, Windows did not let me create junction points (Windows flavour of symlinks). Note, I do want to keep this volume as NFS, because … Read more

mount.cifs takes too long to mount Windows shared folder

Our setup: Server: Windows Server 2008 Client: SHMZ 6.6 (FreePBX, CentOS) mount.cifs version: 4.8.1 smbclient version: Version 3.6.23-14.el6_6 Using this command to connect: mount.cifs // /mnt/share -o “username=windowsuser,sec=ntlm,servern=SERVERNAME,password=windowsuserpassword” Takes 1 minute and 3 seconds to mount an empty folder. Question is: how to speed up the mount process? UPDATE 1: You may have noticed that … Read more

Samba, CIFS and Deleting Files

So I’ve got a Samba share located on server A. I have that share mounted to two other servers, B and C. The idea is that B and C need to write temporary files to a single location so that multiple background processing jobs (also running on B and C) have access to the same … Read more

Can “fast fail” of SMB/CIFS hosts be tuned?

We have a Windows 2008 file server that’s going off-line intermittently. When it’s down, the Windows 2003 web servers pile up requests with pending file operations. I ran some tests using ColdFusion, and I noticed that if you request a file on a known-down or non-existent server, the initial request takes 15 seconds to timeout. … Read more

SMB/CIFS connection, attempting to change the permissionswithin rhel5 to comply with the clients needs

I can get the mount to work and as written in /etc/fstab: // /sftphome2 cifs username=myuser,workgroup=domain,password=mypassword,noserverinfo,uid=tmadmin,gid=tibco,nounix,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 2 this means that every directory under /sftphome2 looks like: drwxrwxrwx 1 tmadmin tibco 0 Jul 6 2010 D0000001 When I issue: chown -R D0000001:D0000001_admin D0000001 Nothing happens. When I pull the uid and gid specifications out I … Read more