Cloudflare or Apache vhost misconfiguration? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question I have setup a website in cloudflare that pointing to IP address. In my apache, I have existing … Read more

CDN – find the source IP [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I want to communicate directly with website using CDN (Akamai, CloudFlare, etc.) Anyone knows if is it possible to find the IP address … Read more

CDN solution for VOD

We’re trying to improve video delivery for a VOD solution. Right now we use over 100Tbytes per month running on several dedicated servers. We have a total of 4 dedicated servers and over the last six months we’ve needed to add a new server every 2-3 months so I want to try a CDN solution … Read more

I live in Australia, how is it that Stack Exchange is so fast without using any CDN?

I had a look at the Stack Exchange Servers: Seems they only have two data centres with 11 servers. There’s no mention of CDN, which I presume is not possible since they are using server side html rendering (ASP.Net). Yet, I feel like they are as fast as google (which has a gazillion servers). … Read more

(Single Day – Peak) Dedicated Server Requirements for CDN Set-ups [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Can you help me with my capacity planning? (3 answers) Closed 4 years ago. Update: Comments made regarding how it is not a duplicate – fundamental question. Pre-Info: I am a game design specialized generalist with semi-practical software engineering skills in essence yet due hard times we’re going through … Read more

No static file is cached

I have set up CloudFlare for my website, the caching level is Standard and The development mode is Disabled. By loading the home page, I can see Server: cloudflare in the response header. But it seems that all the static JS files have CF-Cache-Status:MISS in their response header. Does anyone know why? Edit … Read more

One domain, one wordpress system, different locations, different servers, low bandwith

I have a website with a low bandwidth (like 80.000 views per month, 1 mega or so every page) but that offers products to clients all over the world. A very specific business. The server is located in Spain. If someone access from Spain, then the loading time is less a second, but if someone … Read more

Should a well-optimized ad server be able to run fine on a single dedicated server?

This is a completely hypothetical question that myself and a colleague have been wondering/debating about, and we thought some of the knowledgeable people at SF could shed some light. Say, for example, you have an ad server that delivers around 10 million ad impressions per day. Utilizing the linux, nginx, memcached, MongoDB (or similar NoSQL … Read more