Copying data from one table to cell to another in Word 365

We used Word 2013 up until yesterday. Now we’ve been “upgraded” to Word 365. Up until yesterday, I had many documents with columns of figures that have tabs in the cells. Copying the data, including the tabs, was as simple as selecting the cell and copying, then moving to another cell and pasting. With Word … Read more

How Can You Get Internet Explorer Metro App to open with Tabs from Previous Session?

I am using Windows 8.1 . This OS has two versions of Internet Explorer. The desktop version and the Metro Apps version. I’m sure my Metro version used to open with the tabs from my previous session in the past. It has stopped doing this. Not sure why. Could be the result of recent Windows … Read more

How can I change Chrome tab close behaviour back to switching to the next tab?

Google has recently changed Chrome’s behaviour so that when you close a tab it switches to what I assume is meant to be the most recently viewed tab (although the logic doesn’t appear always to be consistent). This is driving me up the wall. I’m using the latest version, 91.0.4472.77. How can I change it … Read more

Sometimes no focus on address bar (chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/)

When opening a new tab in Google Chrome, the focus will sometimes (and only sometimes) not be on the address bar, which instead contains the text chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/: When this happens, the DuckDuckGo logo (I use their new tab page) does not load as normal either, and only my ‘most visited sites’ appear. The problem first … Read more

What Excel function to populate specific data from one excel tab to another based on a criteria

I have created a Forms document that is linked to my excel spreadsheet. The information inputted within the form is populated within the excel document. Each line item entered will have an accounting code attached to that entry. I have added several tabs for each individual accounting code to track. Each tab has the Date, … Read more

Paint.NET freezes on new tab, but isn’t consuming many resources

I have Paint.NET open with many tabs of reference material so I can create some new art. None are extraordinarily large images, but there are a couple dozen tabs. It freezes whenever I open a new tab. However, it’s only using ~500MB of RAM (32GB total in the machine, only ~50% of which is being … Read more