Start a batch shell within a bash shell with autocomplete with windows

I am using bash inside Cygwin and I want to start a new batch shell within the current shell. So I use cmd to enter into a new batch shell: myuser@machine / $ cmd Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240] (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cygwin64> So far so good, but then I press tab … Read more

Autocomplete errors on internal exchange emails

We recently switched the company from a hosted exchange to our own Exschange 2016 server. When we moved everything over we would get bouncebacks on internal emails. I found the cause of this to be Outlook’s autocomplete, the solution was basically to remove the autocomplete entry and then recreate it and it would now point … Read more

How can I help Safari’s autocomplete find the right site

The site I visit most often is Unfortunately, that page then loads several resources from urls in the form For whatever reason, Safari now assumes I want to navigate to whenever I type u into the address bar. Is there anyway to edit autocomplete preferences? Or is there a way to “trick” … Read more

Autocompleting/expanding text in Microsoft Word 2010

I’m creating a technical document using Microsoft Word 2010 in Windows 7. I have various pieces of long technical terminology that I regularly use, and typing this jargon manually hundreds of times would significantly increase the time I spend writing the document. I was looking for a way to add custom autocompletion entries in Word … Read more

iterm2’s drop-down auto command complete doesn’t work on remote sessions

On remote hosts via ssh the cmd + ; command works in displaying part of the suggested command but the “Auto Command Completion” feature doesn’t. How can I make the shown feature here work on remote hosts? Answer It works after setting up shell integration on remote host. This is done by following the instructions … Read more

Cannot auto-complete generic fields in Chromium when 1Password is enabled

I’m having this problem in forms not related with login, sign-up, buy, shipping… For example, we have a ticket system based on Trac. When I have 1Password set as default password manager in MS Edge Chromium, it doesn’t show the autocompletion Now, if I either disable the extension or uncheck the “Make 1Password the default … Read more

Chrome browser omnibox not autocompleting entries from browsing history in one of my computers

I’ve set up my Chrome browser settings to not autocomplete searches and URLs as follows: In my primary PC (Windows 10), what this means is that: the omnibox doesn’t offer predictive autocomplete suggestions however, the omnibox continues to offer autocomplete suggestions sourced from my bookmarks and undeleted browsing history I also have a second PC … Read more

Terminal autocompletion freezes the UI on a fresh Ubuntu

I’ve just installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a pretty powerful desktop. When I open the terminal and type ls /<TAB><TAB> The cursor stops blinking and the whole UI is frozen. Only the mouse can move. It lasts between 0,5s and 3s depending on the moment. I tried to install zsh. It has the exact same behavior … Read more