Supermicro SmartOS setup issue with HDDs

I’m trying to setup SmartOS on my new Supermicro server (SYS-6027R-N3RF4+). I have 8 HDDs + 2 SSDs installed in the hot-swappable drive bays. I have not configured the Intel RAID controller on the machine (it shows no RAID configured, and lists all 8 HDDs).

When I boot SmartOS from my USB key for the first time and get to the initial zpool creation I only see 2 disks listed.

How can I tell which two drives are being referenced? How can I get SmartOS to recognize all 8+2 drives? Is there a BIOS setting I need to adjust?


Here how you can get more information on detected disks, It will help you find which disk isn’t recognized:

  1. Boot smartos

  2. “Would you like to continue with configuration? [Y/n]” –> answer n

  3. Login with root, the default password can be found in the file SINGLE_USER_ROOT_PASSWORD.txt next to the iso image you’re using.

    For example on where 20131102T215831Z is the build identifier.

    You can find the build identifier on the login screen below the Joyent logo.

  4. once you’re logged in run:

    $ diskinfo

    you should see all disks detected by smartos

Source : Link , Question Author : Andrew B. , Answer Author : bgentil

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