(Single Day – Peak) Dedicated Server Requirements for CDN Set-ups [duplicate]

Update: Comments made regarding how it is not a duplicate – fundamental question.

Pre-Info: I am a game design specialized generalist with semi-practical software engineering skills in essence yet due hard times we’re going through I am the one who gets it done (set-up and passed all security, w3 standard tests, programmed the site and set-up the dedicated server, compressed etc. but managing high-volume of request is very serious).

Actuals: We have a fan-comics web-site that will receive high amount of traffic for a single day (presumably 25K – at max. 250K unique user, timing unclear). Currently using a single IP – dedicated server:

Intel Xeon E3-1230 x1
Cores: 4x 3.2 GHz 
HDDs: 2x 1TB SATA 7.2k RPM
Conn: 100 Mbit Unmetered Uplink based France.

Dedicated server is running Ubuntu 14, Apache, PHP and MySQL for WordPress. Average data per page is 2 MB (about 30-40 requests per page) and whole experience would sum about 10 MB per user. Apache should be capable to run ~500 request delivered p/s under current set-up (yet I am not sure of real results, it may be way off the charts / due network limitation, it’ll probably be 100-150 concurrents to provide the ‘okay’ experience without CDN).

My question is: What if I buy and set-up a CDN service and cached all the assets; how server-sided processes are going to work? There are no dynamic requests running on the server other than Contact Form and majority of the web-site is static yet:

1- I’d like to learn in under which conditions CDN will require server to make queries or render outputs?
2- And let’s say there are 20.000 concurrent request to CDN, all static assets served through it, what processing power or the capacity would my dedicated server require?
3- Alternatively: How would a queue work? (keeps track how many active & serves to client as resource become available)

I have done my research even it’s not the very extensive one; and I am not quite sure if I asked the correct questions yet I’d very thankful for your support.


For your static assets (images, style sheets, JavaScript) you can set proper HTTP caching headers which you can use to control how frequently the CDN connects to your server to fetch content. This will mostly save bandwidth, not that much CPU.

However, every site has different requirements, and we cannot give authorative answers if your dedicated server can handle the load. You need to perform the research yourself or hire a professional to do it. Basic principles are described in Can you help me with my capacity planning?.

Source : Link , Question Author : Atahan Bozkurt , Answer Author : Tero Kilkanen

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