Recommend between workstation and tower server? [closed]

I’m planning to buy a computer for my office. What i want is a computer that strong, stability, can run 24/7 for hosting my website with tens of thousand people visit per day. Because it’s placed in my office so i also want to use it to do other work of mine directly on it like Develop 3D Graphic, Autocad, After Effect…

The CPU/RAM usage is not problem because i will choose a strong CPU and buy many RAM for both my job can working without overload. The problem is just i don’t know whether i should using a workstation or server in this case.

I’ve hear someone said that the workstation is not good for running web server because it’s not designed for manipulate multi-connection at the same time in long time. And also someone say the server is not designed for graphic design so it will have bad performance when rendering graphic, it also don’t have audio input/output line.

I cannot buy both workstation and server because it too expensive, so can someone tell me what should i do in my case ? Can i buy a server, and then buy a Graphic card, and than buy a USB to Audio device instead of buy a workstation ? Or can i buy a workstation instead of a server ?


Forget about this. Either you have a server or a dev workstation. Doing both on the same machine is a outright stupid idea and will lead to no end of problems.

Put your website on a real server in a real datacenter (‘real’ does include VPS or even a web hosting package, if applicable) and buy a workstation that fits your workstation needs.

Some reasons:

  • Your office connection will very likely not be designed to handle a public server, with asymmetric connection speeds, and somewhat likely, outright bans of server applications in the providers TOS.
  • The web site will be affected by everything you do on the machine, which can include reboots for all kind of reasons. You render an image? The site get’s slow. An app crashed hard? Reboot. Site is down. etc.etc.
  • Your workstation will not be as reliable hardware wise as a server. If you buy a real server and outfit it to be used as a workstation, it will be noisy and annoying (and takes ages to reboot).

I could add many more reasons, but please just believe me: It’s a stupid idea and every experienced admin will agree to this. Being asked to do this in my job, I would outright refuse because it’s unprofessional and would cause both the user and me no end of trouble and grief.

Source : Link , Question Author : LeDuc , Answer Author : Sven

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