Notepad Automatically Launches Upon Boot Up of my Windows 7 64-Bit Desktop PC

Around 12 months ago, when my Windows 7 PC boots, Notepad started to appear automatically on the desktop (as a duplicate i.e. one on top of the other), both displaying the same writing inside, and the name of the Notepad was: desktop-Notepad.


I can’t remember the exact details as it’s been so long now, but a friend told me this was due to a “hidden attribute” belonging to Notepad becoming “unhidden”and therefore allowing Notepad to show itself on the desktop at startup. He showed me a series of steps to either hide the attribute again or to delete it (telling me that upon restart of my computer it would be recreated/regenerated.)

I did indeed follow his guidance however after trying to hide it or delete the attribute (it was never recreated after restart which supposedly it should have done).

One Notepad still is autolaunched with the text as shown above every time I startup my PC. As I found this forum I thought I might try again for a solution to prevent Notepad from launching.


This is an old problem from Windows XP which also occurs in some Windows 7 versions. A step-by-step solution is here:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Computer.
  3. Click Organize located on the left side of your Windows 7 upper
  4. Click Folder and Search Option.
  5. Click the View tab.
  6. Under Hidden Folders and Files, click the Show folders, files and
    drives radio button.
  7. Click OK and exit.
  8. Now, click Start.
  9. In the Search field, type desktop.ini and press Enter.
  10. Alternatively, you can also go to: C: – Program Data – Microsoft
    -Windows -Start Menu -Programs – Startup folder.
  11. Right-click it and delete it.
  12. Now go to: Go to C: – Users – Your_Username – AppData – Roaming –
    Microsoft – Windows – Start Menu – Startup folder.
  13. Again, delete the desktop.ini file.
  14. Done! This should stop your notepad from opening by itself!

Source : Link , Question Author : Simon , Answer Author : Lee Taylor

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