Logging out of one application causes sessions to be destroyed in all other web applications -How to Fix?

I have two web applications deployed in a corporate environment on IE6/8: App A uses smart card authentication, App B is just standard authentication

When App A logs out/de-authenticates, it seems to destroy the sessions for App B and cause people to lose work and have to log back in again.

App B is based on Cold Fusion. Not sure what App A is based on.

I haven’t got any further info – but if there are specific questions as to the nature of the applications please ask.

is there a solution that doesn’t involve Citrix / Virtualisation / two PCs and a KVM switch? 😉


Make sure that your two applications have different names in your Application.cfm/cfc. ColdFusion uses the Application name (either set via cfapplication or this.name) to determine which application the user is currently logged into. If they have different names, you shouldn’t have any issues.

Source : Link , Question Author : Stevo , Answer Author : Dan Short

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