Is there a way to retrieve and compile object text from a shape or connector in a Visio drawing?

enter image description hereI have a diagram with a bunch of numbered connectors. I’d like to be able to easily/quickly create a list of all of the connector numbers in the diagram. Is there a way to do this without inputting equipment data beforehand (e.g. through VBA or python or some built in report feature)?

EDIT: I have added a sample of the type of diagram I’m talking about. Basically I’d like to be able to click a button and get a list that says: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105.


I recomnend check this article – Listing Connections in Visio 2010 by David J Parker.
There you can find VBA code.

Source : Link , Question Author : Curtis , Answer Author : Surrogate

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