How to update flash in Chromium?

I thought Linux wasn’t getting any new updates from Adobe? but i started to get this message a few days ago on youtube and other flash sites:

enter image description here

When trying to install the update I get to a page which only offers YUM, .tar.gz, and .rpm and none .deb

enter image description here

Could someone guide me trough installing this?


You cannot use adobe flashplayer anymore from April 2014. [1]

You should rely on pepper flash plugin, install it with [2]:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:skunk/pepper-flash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pepflashplugin-installer

gksu gksu gedit /etc/chromium-browser/default
  • paste ‘. /usr/lib/pepflashplugin-installer/’ on the end of the new opened file




Source : Link , Question Author : Jeggy , Answer Author : user273184

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