How to fix a broken Adobe Air package? [duplicate]

I’m using 64 bit version of Ubuntu 10.10 and have some problems with broken dependencies. I needed Adobe Air but it was not availble via apt-get, so I downloaded it from Adobe and installed. Then I succesfully installed adobe air application. It started and works pretty good. However when I start synaptic it claims that I have broken package (it is my adobe air application with some numbers attached). It says that this application requires adobeair package which can’t be found in repositories and thus it can’t be installed. But I have it and it works.

Do you know any workaround? For example how to tell dpkg that I have adobeair installed, or how to remove my application from list of installed packages? I haven’t installed it via dpkg or apt-get, but with adobe air installer, so I don’t need it to be registred in dkpg

However I have adobeair package:

dpkg --list |grep adobeair
ii  adobeair             Adobe AIR 2

And still apt-get says:

 someapp.a1909296681c7acefe45687d3a64758c8659bf46.1 : PreRequire: adobeair (>= but it can't be installed

Above line was in other language and I translated it to english, so original text can be different.


I would advise you to uninstall the manually installed version and then download this deb and install it. (Packaged by prakash advani here)

Source : Link , Question Author : klew , Answer Author : Lincity

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