How do I get an L2TP Foxpass VPN connection working in Windows 10?

I have an office VPN that I need to connect to which uses L2TP/IPsec with a pre-shared key. At home (on my home network) I have two computers: a MacBook Pro, and a Windows 10 machine. I am able to successfully connect to the VPN on the Mac with no issue whatsoever. However the Windows 10 computer, on the same network with the same credentials, cannot connect. I consistently receive this message:

The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed.

The VPN server is running in Amazon EC2 using this VPN server from Foxpass. I have already taken two steps that I found in other Server Fault answers / guides online to try and remedy the problem. The first was to add a DWORD registry entry with the value of “2” at this path:


And the second was to select the new VPN connection entry, right-click, Properties, Security Tab, and change the Data encryption dropdown to “Require encryption.”

Neither of these worked. I am baffled why my Mac is able to connect from my network while my Windows machine is not. The Mac setup looks like this (there aren’t any “special” settings – this is pretty much the default way of how you set up a VPN on Mac):


And the Windows setup looks like this – again this is really just entering in stock settings:

enter image description here

Clearly it is not a fault of the VPN server as I can successfully connect from the Mac. What do I need to do to get it working on Windows?


Windows defaults the L2TP connection to use CHAP, but you need to go into the adapter settings and switch it to PAP. That, along with the AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule, should get this working.

Source : Link , Question Author : soapergem , Answer Author : ArenS

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