Getting your free RHN Entitlements for Para-Virtualised machines?

We run Xen on an RHEL 5 host with RHEL 5 paravirtualised guests.

In theory we are entitled to 4 free entitlemets for paravirtualised guests on each Xen host with the “Virtualisation” entitlement.

I have been banging my head off this for days now – and I just can’t get the PV guests to connect to RHN without consuming a regular entitlement. Since we have 6 PV hosts, we’re talking about needing to pay for up to 24 extra and un-needed entitlements – a LOT of money!

If anyone has managed to get this to work as it should, any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!




Review and try the suggestions given there.

Source : Link , Question Author : Bart B , Answer Author : user27966

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