Web Filter For Multiple Networks [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I have been using a Barracuda web filter 310 in our network and I have just had enough of it. It does not … Read more

Looking for opinions on Virtual Web Appliances

My client is looking for some web filtering devices and I’m looking for some recommendations for virtual appliances. Anyone got any thoughts? Answer Vyatta is an open-source firewall that can be deployed as a virtual device. I haven’t had a chance to play with it, but I’ve been meaning to try it out in my … Read more

Blocking all websites with exception list in Windows workgroup

How can I block all websites to certain users on a workgroup workstation except a specified list of sites running Windows 7 premium? If possible I’d like the exception list to use wildcards like: *.google. com Preferably would like to use tools that are already built into Windows. Answer Short of building a massive and … Read more

Whitelisting Google Recaptcha

Barracuda Web Filter blocking the Google Recaptcha on one of our vendors sites. We have tested with an unfiltered user to verify that it’s the webfilter blocking Searched for what to whitelist, the closest I got was a google groups post in 2015 listing these sites, but this information seems to be out of date … Read more

server localhost to get access to /admin/* pages and block all others

Requirements: every one in the local network can access all pages except /admin pages. only localhost should have access to the /admin pages. how to write webfilter for tomcat 6 or other alternatives? Answer Please use the following code in the filter to check if request is to “admin”: public static boolean isRequestTo(HttpServletRequest request, String … Read more

Auto black list hackers from Apache server that hit website too fast

I notice some hackers jumping from website to website iterating all possible IP addresses and hitting them so fast and hard with their attack URLs to get some flaws. I am more interested in how to automatically block their IP addresses using Apache server as soon as they hit certain limit (eg. too big data, … Read more

Openwrt Dansguardian – Performance and speed suggestions

I have a setup at home as follow: DHCP clients —–> (wifi)(nat) Openwrt —–> (eth)Main Router DHCP clients get ip from subnet. The device I’m using is TPlink MR3020 with Barrier Breaker. I’m using an older version because after installing newer version I cannot install packages that’ll enable to use USB HDD – device … Read more

How can I use iptables as a per-user whitelist web filter on Linux?

I’m trying to use iptables to create a web filter on a local machine that whitelists a list of websites and blacklists everything else on a per-user basis. So one user would have full web access while another would be restricted only to the whitelist. I am able to block all outgoing web traffic on … Read more

Restricting Internet access for Windows users using Ubuntu Server + Webmin [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I want to restrict the Internet usage for a couple of Windows users on a network. The Server is a Ubuntu 10.04 Server … Read more