Trying to start nginx on VPS, I get “nginx: unrecognized service”

Following the How to install rails and nginx with passenger on Ubuntu tutorial from, the seventh step manually starts nginx: sudo service nginx start but fails with the following error: nginx: unrecognized service Answer The nginx: unrecognized service error means the startup scripts need to be created. Fortunately the startup scripts have already been … Read more

Remotely access postgresql database

I need to access a postgresql database from a remote machine on a VPS at DigitalOcean running 12.10 and postgresql 9.1. How do I do this? I noticed port 5432 is closed, how do I open this? Answer To open the port 5432 edit your /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf and change listen_addresses=’localhost’ to listen_addresses=’*’ and restart your DBMS … Read more