Mysqld.exe RAM size increasing upto 130MB and performance is poor

I have deployed my application with java 8 and mysql server. While running mysqld.exe takes upto 130 MB of RAM size and it stops increasing. But after that my application’s performance is very poor. Can anyone help me in Identifying the reason behind this. Which factor increases the RAM size of mysqld.exe and why my … Read more

Networked In-Memory FileSystem w/ zram + XFS + GlusterFS – Best Practices

A few months ago I used XFS formatted zram devices strung together with GlusterFS to create a distributed / networked / replicated in-memory filesystem on a few bare metal servers (running RHEL 7.2). I’m using this FS as a performant way to store, serve and replicate images and videos for my multi-server application server. And … Read more

What could be a good configuration for a testing machine?

In Zentyal we use virtualization (ANSTE) to perform automatic tests that require scenarios with several machines interacting in one or several networks. Currently we have a multicore Xeon machine with 16GB of RAM that we use to create ramdisks where the virtual machines are installed. The use of ramdisk greatly increases the execution speed. We … Read more

Improving high IOps Folder (Tomcat and Vmware)

Good day. We’re moving a Tomcat from a physical server to one virtual Server. In the physical, and because the high IOps for the temp folder (¡developers!) we bought a Ramdisk software. My question is… Will a ramdisk software work in a vmware virtual machine? Is there better options? Thanks! Answer Will a ramdisk software … Read more

Monitor ramdisk throughput

I was wondering if there was a tool available to monitor the current ramdisk throughput. I found that with sysstat, iostat, etc. I am only able to monitor the current throughtput of physical devices. What I’m looking for is a tool which generates an output indicating the current throughput. Something like: DEV write read overall … Read more

Unable to create ramdisk after updating to 2.6.32

I’ve upgraded one of our servers (debian lenny) from backports. It upgraded the kernel to 2.6.32-trunk-amd64, and switched the disk access to UUID. Everything works fine, however, /dev/ram0 no longer gets created and I’m unable to see it in /dev/disk/by-uuid: # ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-11-02 10:20 0670c658-a28d-4e93-991c-7e270a1dfbf3 -> … Read more

CentOS tmpfs mount doubling up?

Everytime I mount a ramdisk with the following command, I get two instead of one ramdisk? mount -t tmpfs -o size=1024M tmpfs /home/site/public_html/var/cache Mount shows no ramdisks mounted prior, and after running the command it shows: tmpfs on /home/site/public_html/var/cache type tmpfs (rw,size=1024M) tmpfs on /home/site/public_html/var/cache type tmpfs (rw,size=1024M) If I unmount, both disappear, and when … Read more