How to get the number of current connections to an external web service [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question My application makes many requests in a day to a webservice (say on a different server. I would like to know how … Read more

Too Many ESTABLISHED connection from a single IP address in Apache

netstat -ntp |grep 80 shows too many ESTABLISHED connection from single IP address. Around 300 of them and it is not an attack and user is using a 2G connection to access Apache. This is the case with other 2G connections also. As a result of this Apache is running out of children. Earlier it … Read more

syslog for netstat to get no. of connection from each IP range

I have a server which keeps on receiving request from two other servers from different IP ranges. I need to know how can I setup a cronjob which keeps on checking number of connection made by each server every second and keep on updating the result in a txt file. Answer while true; do netstat … Read more

how to get file download connections on linux

I have a site with video content (mp4 files). When people are watching videos, they are downloading video files from my site. I want to know the number of the active connections via the linux terminal. They are probably TCP packets on port 80. However: $ netstat -an |grep :80 | wc -l gives a … Read more

how can i hide a connection in netstat output?

OS: Windows Server Edition Basically i want use some other computer’s internet connection by making a transparent proxy on target computer.. And i dont want this to be detected… I have heard that output of netstat can be altered, but how? Pls help.. Answer Without patching the kernel or the netstat binary, I don’t think … Read more

Why when i use netstat while not connected to internet, it returns some ip addresses?

I read that this command displays network connections for the Transmission Control Protocol more info link netstat ,but when i not connected to internet and i turn off XAMMP server,it returns some ip: PS F:\Users\ROOT> netstat -a Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP ROOT-PC:0 LISTENING TCP ROOT-PC:0 LISTENING TCP … Read more

Netcat – socket in time_wait when echoing and piping, but not when invoked directly

I’m testing an application using netcat (nc) and I’m getting very low throughput on network connections. When I ran netstat -tnpo I see numerous TCP sessions in TIME_WAIT. I’m sending data to my application via a bash script as indicated below: while true; do echo “<required string>” | nc server_ip port done If I instead … Read more

How can I force a refresh of what ports have listeners

I’m trying to re-launch a WCF service that I killed earlier, but I’m getting an AddressAlreadyInUseException. The port it’s attempting to use is 1819. I ran netstat -nao from the command line, and have found there is a listening process on port 1819, that has a PID of 4840. I went into Process Explorer (from … Read more