Disappearing Email from Outlook 2007/exchange

Email setup and working on Secretaries PC boss now wants it on his iphone and his PC set it all up as per normal ie it’s a hotmail email that was configured in exchange by his ex accountant. It pops up briefly in the inbox of the bosses devices and then literally disappears. I’ve tried … Read more

OWA web access calendar view missing items

I have a user syncing calendar items – uses Outlook 2003, uses iPhone and uses OWA web access to view calendar….some recurring all day events are not showing up in OWA web access view, they are viewable in both iPhone and Outlook (client)….any ideas? …Using Outlook Web Access version: with Exchange Server 2007 Version: … Read more

dnsmasq for siriproxy on ubuntu

I am running ubuntu 10.04 with dnsmasq 2.52 For running siriproxy I have added address=/guzzoni.apple.com/(mylaptopip) to dnsmasq.conf at /etc/dnsmasq.conf But when I ping ping guzzoni.apple.com it doesnt connect any clues?? PING reg3.guzzoni-apple.com.akadns.net ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C — reg3.guzzoni-apple.com.akadns.net ping statistics — 8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7023ms P.S. I … Read more

Safari can’t connect securely to our server? Where is SSL Cert validated?

Issue: Unable to access authentication site on our server because “Safari couldn’t establish a secure connection” so i’m troubleshooting and trying to pin point where the problem lies. More details: On mac devices Safari can’t establish a connection to our server through an HTTPS connection. However accessing through HTTP is possible. On the other hand … Read more

How can I configure IPSec on Windows 2012 R2 to use Pre Shared Key compatible with Android phones?

Our company has to comply with the mandate that all mobile phones use L2TP or IPSec VPNs when using untrusted Wifi or GPRS connections… namely to protect from MITM attacks. Were also interested in preventing the decryption of A5/2 or A5/3 mobile signals. To that end we are considering using IPSec or L2TP VPNs with … Read more

iPhones don’t sync with Exchange 2003 ActiveSync

We’re having problems getting iPhones to sync properly with SBS 2003 Exchange. When you add a new Exchange ActiveSync account on an iPhone and enter all the pertinent information, it shows a “Verifying Exchange account info” message for a minute or so, then says everything’s verified and asks what you want to sync, Mail, Contacts, … Read more

How to setup Joomla CMS as a backend for iPhone app

I would like my iPhone app to get dynamic content off the net. This content should be managed using a CMS. I have gone ahead and installed Joomla on my server and will be using the Joomla web interface to create and manage content. I would now like the iPhone app to login to my … Read more

Why won’t any unopened emails sync with my iPhone or Android from our Exchange 2003 server

My opened emails are syncing fine, but any unopened emails won’t come through. If I use Outlook Web Access to open the mail, then it syncs, of it I open it via Outlook it will sync also. Any ideas what would be causing this? Answer I found this to be a problem with the anti-virus … Read more

Verify iPhone 4 encryption status?

After enabling “require encryption on the device” in ActiveSync policies, how does one verify that the policy has been applied successfuly on an iPhone 4 (or iPhone 3GS) running iOS 4? Answer When encryption is enabled, the phone will indicate “Data protection is enabled” at the bottom of the Settings -> General -> Passcode Lock menu. Note that encryption is … Read more