Video editing on Windows Mobile [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 11 years ago. Improve this question Does anyone know of any video editing software that works on Windows Mobile? Answer There are none, period. Windows Mobile 6.5 and below … Read more

different way of editing crontab

I have two ways editing crontab: edit /etc/crontab, then restart crond crontab -e crontab In both cases I am logged in as root. What are the differences? Answer Generally… you should avoid directly editing /etc/crontab unless you want to modify the core configuration. Unless this is something that needs root privileges, you should probably execute … Read more

Video display issue

I have filmed a video using Cinema FV-5 lite (android app). When playing / editing any media software, I get this scene when start / pause even on android phone. Except in windows media player or windows Movies & TV app. I’m running on Win 10. The point it’s first time to happen. Ihave used … Read more

Insert informational content in Video

I’ve recorded a video clip and I’d like to add textual information at certain frames, similar to YouTube where you can add comments at certain screens. Are there any apps available to achieve this? I have a Mac as well as PC (with Vista). Answer If you’ve got Windows Vista, you might as well use … Read more