In Notepad ++ 7.3.1 is there a way to display a long list as two columns automatically?

For example, Item 1 Item 45 Item 2 Item 46 Item 3 Item 47 … … Item 44 Item 88 Etc? Answer No, you can’t do this in Notepad++. Notepad++ is primarily a plaintext file editor, so it is not designed for fancy formatting of text (like Word or other “print media” tools). AttributionSource : … Read more

How can I fill in a PDF (not a PDF form) such that each character is in a box

There’s quite a few solutions for typing on PDFs (such as listed in the answers to PDF – What software to fill-out/fill-in a PDF form?), but I have a parallel question which I’ve wondered about off-and-on for a couple of years now. Is there a way to fill up PDF forms which use boxes such … Read more

I can no longer edit rdp files

When I right click on rdp files, I no longer have the “edit” option. The only way to modify the rdp file is to edit it with notepad which is not very convenient. How can I fixe this please ? I need this “edit” option when I right click on rdp files. Thanks a lot … Read more

Rearranging the order of ts files in m3u8 causes them to get stuck during playback

I have one m3u8 file and several TS files. The following is the actual output of the m3u8 file. #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0 #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:YES #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:5 #EXTINF:4.027222, test0000.ts #EXTINF:4.004000, test0001.ts #EXTINF:4.004000, test0002.ts #EXTINF:4.004000, test0003.ts #EXT-X-ENDLIST I rewrote this m3u8 in the following format, saved it, and played it. Then the playback order of the video was exactly … Read more