Database Backup using DOS commands or any other useful commands [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I am planning to backup my database files from network drive to one other. Here is my requirement: All database should be backed … Read more

How to mysqldump last 10 rows for EVERY TABLE in a database?

I have seen a lot of articles about “how to mysqldump last ‘n’ rows from a table in a database”. For example: mysqldump –user=superman –password=batman – –where=”1=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10″ DB_NAME TABLE_NAME ./path/to/dump/file.sql as found from these answers in StackOverflow and ServerFault But, how do I tell mysqldump to export last ‘n’ … Read more

SQL BACKUP LOG says no full backup while I did make one yesterday (manually) – why and what to do besides doing another full backup?

We run a SQL Server 2008 with several databases, and that server is largely unmaintained because of lack of staff and its actual importance (a dev stand). Yesterday it almost ran out of space so we decided to perform some maintenance on its largest database (350G total). I have performed a full backup, then a … Read more

Backup and Restore MySQL database [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question need backup MySQL 5.1 databse. Database is install on Windows Server 2003. I google it and I found many tools but I am … Read more

How to do a database backup in DB2 in Vista?

How to do a database backup in DB2 in Vista? Whenever I issued this command (login in Vista as Administrator): restore database myDB from D: taken at 20081013134446 the command line processor return the following error message: SQL1092N “ADMINISTRATOR” does not have the authority to perform the requested command. SQLSTATE=00000 So, How can I solve … Read more

Maintenance Plan Reporting – Append To File – Clean Up?

Background: (SQL Server 2005, Standard Ed.) I have a maintenance plan running backups, taking a full backup 1/day, and t-log every 15 minutes. I have it set to create a text file report of each run, but that creates A LOT of files on the file server. These are hard to sort through, which makes … Read more

Running sql server 2000 backup file on sql server 2008

I restored sql server 2000 .bak file to sql server 2008 by –RESTORE FILELISTONLY –FROM DISK = ‘D:\DBHarshal\full backup august 6.BAK’ –ALTER DATABASE EPICSms –SET SINGLE_USER WITH –ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE RESTORE DATABASE EPICSms FROM DISK = ‘D:\DBHarshal\full backup august 6.BAK’ WITH MOVE ‘EPICSms_Data’ TO ‘C:\EPICSms_Data.mdf’, MOVE ‘EPICSms_Log’ TO ‘C:\EPICSms_Log.mdf’ ,REPLACE It asked to use master database … Read more