Database Index files get corrupted if shared folder resides in Win Server 2012 but not if it resides in a regula Win 7 PC Shared folder

Database application programmed for peer to peer access to a shared folder experiences database associated index files corruption if said shared folder resides in Win Server 2008 or Win Server 2012. If same application share folder resides on a regular Win 7 PC the application runs fine with no Database Index files corruption. Database tables … Read more

Cannot Hibernate – Power policy manager error [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I run Windows XP. When I try to “Enable Hibernation” from Control Panel –> Power Options, I get the following error. Power policy … Read more

Linux Server HDD Corrupted

Today I put my forum offline just before scheduled Cpanel backup. An hour later when I checked it says DATABASE error occured(or whatever the database error was) I logged into SSH and perform reboot. The server will not reboot sucessfully. I contacted my host and they are saying: ” Looks like the drive is corrupt, … Read more

MySQL: Corrupt ARCHIVE table. Help, Please?

I’m a programmer and a total newbie as a sysadmin… Today I started receiving error emails from our production site: Incorrect key file for table ‘xxx’; try to repair it I found the server with 2 out of 4 cores pegged at 100% CPU by MySQL. Took down the site, the crons, everything, and about … Read more

Is it possible to recover Microsoft Office files from a flash drive when they were edited and saved on the flash drive directly?

Several .docx and .xlsx documents were saved on a flash drive, edited in word and excel applications, and changes saved directly to that flash drive again. These files, when opened, now contain only gibberish of the “}eZ1Ѕqдњ]2^ХЭ*sЖЎfЮcнv1Т2TN” type. Using different encodings to view the file produces only different sets of gibberish. The files have correct … Read more

CRC error in several compressed files

I have a server which backs up itself on another server with duplicity (actually duply). The full backup is about 330 1-GB files. The full backup finished without problems, but the next day the incremental terminated with “CRC check failed”. On the backup server several files appear to have a problem: # gzip *20170530* –test … Read more

MySQL dump-restore replaces characters with 3Fh

FreeBSD Server with Mysql and make.conf like that .if ${.CURDIR} == ${PORTSDIR}/databases/mysql50-server WITH_CHARSET=cp1251 WITH_COLLATION=cp1251_bin BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes BUILD_STATIC=yes .endif .if ${.CURDIR} == ${PORTSDIR}/databases/mysql50-client WITH_CHARSET=cp1251 WITH_COLLATION=cp1251_bin BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes .endif I have mysql table with such structure mysql> show create table phpbb_bt_torrents\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Table: phpbb_bt_torrents Create Table: CREATE TABLE `phpbb_bt_torrents` ( `info_hash` char(20) CHARACTER SET cp1251 COLLATE … Read more

Backing Up User Data when data is not in use. Should I be concerned?

This may be a dumb question. I would like to use duplicity to make backups to Amazon S3 of directories, each of which contains a different user’s data. Each directory could be written to at any time. So I have two questions: Should I be concerned that a scheduled backup of a directory might occur … Read more