Rename and replace parts with different filenames [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question I know there are different questions about this topic but I have found nothing that fits my question: I want to replace a … Read more

How to rename multiple files by adding word from that file?

I have files : file name: report_2020-10-13-17-11.txt Contain : … this report was prepared by=John … file name: report_2020-10-13-17-12.txt Contain : … this report was prepared by=Doe … file name: report_2020-10-13-17-13.txt Contain : … this report was prepared by=Ton … file name: report_2020-10-14-07-25.txt Contain : … this report was prepared by=Bolt … I want to … Read more

Windows Server 2019 – renaming files with some naming convention

We received a ton of files from our sponsor and the files are all formatted like this [ABCD] Title – Id – Description [RS][x264][CHKSUM].txt I could manually rename one at a time but there are more than 500 files that are sent on a weekly basis. RS – Reviewer Signature (usually the same person) CHKSUM … Read more

vsftpd – is it possible to upload local file to FTP server with filename change?

I need to upload a local file from an Ubuntu desktop to an FTP server in a one-liner, while also changing the filename to be unique – by adding a timestamp to the beginning of the filename, for example. Is it possible to do it in an easy way? I know that I can upload … Read more

Rename tons of files

How can I rename all the files with a pattern like this: thumb_f318d8a580ca5717d686a323b6c2ca0d.jpg0000777 thumb_f18d8aup90ca5717d686a323b6c2c5uh.jpg0000777 thumb_jessr8d8a580ca5717d68623etrtckks.jpg0000777 thumb_4hghd8a580ca5717d686a323b6c2ghjj.jpg0000777 …. to thumb_f318d8a580ca5717d686a323b6c2ca0d.jpg thumb_f18d8aup90ca5717d686a323b6c2c5uh.jpg thumb_jer8d8a580ca5717d686a323etrtckks.jpg thumb_4hghd8a580ca5717d686a323b6c2ghjj.jpg …. Answer Use bash variables and a for loop: for i in *;do mv $i ${i%0000777};done when you surround the variable name with {} and add a % sign, it returns the value … Read more

Negative aspects of hiding file extensions in Windows

At my company we work with a lot PDF files. We rename them often; hundreds of pdf files a week and almost all of them have to be renamed. I have always configured windows to show file extensions. However with Windows XP, pressing F2 to rename a file requires you to account for the extension. … Read more

Renaming domain (2008 R2) with SharePoint 2010

Does anyone have clear steps how to approach SharePoint 2010 when renaming domain. We need to rename single labeled domain before introducing Exchange 2010 and many other stuff in our network. What problems do you see? Answer Do you have SharePoint installed in a SLD environment? If that is the case, it is unsupported, I … Read more

How can I rename a shortname in OpenLDAP on OS X Server 10.6 (Invalid DN syntax (34))

The company I work for is running OS X Server 10.6. All of the users were created with a first.last username syntax. This is causing problems and so we are trying to change the usernames to firstlast without deleting and recreating all of the user accounts. I found the following example command: serveradmin$ ldapmodrdn -U … Read more

Caveats when renaming a server and giving a new server the old server’s name?

We have a new 2008 R2 server to be replacing a 2003 R2 server (which is a DC and has DNS/DHCP/DFS/etc.). Here’s an outline of my plan… Rename the old server to ServerOld Give the new server the name of the original server (Let’s say Server) Migrate all services to the new server Demote ServerOld … Read more

Rename subfolder directories Windows 2008 R2

Just trying to work out a way to rename some sub folders and could do with some help. Basically, When our staff write documentation for a proposal, they create a folder with the project name. When they win the proposal and it becomes a project, the copy the proposal folder into the newly created project … Read more