How to “slipstream” Acrobat 10.1.1 into Acrobat 10 install point?

I want to roll out Acrobat 10.1.1. So, I want to “slipstream” 10.1.1 into my install point. I do not want to roll out 10 and then roll out 10.1.1 update. Any clues on how I can do this? Many thanks! Answer You can download a standalone installation of 10.1.1 here: If you choose … Read more

Disable JavaScript in Acrobat Reader

Does anyone know where Acrobat Reader stores the setting to disable JavaScript? I’d like to centrally apply an update (through a policy, or a startup script, or a login script) on every machine on our network rather than sending everyone an email telling them to do it. Ref: How To Geek has a way of … Read more

How to convert a really big HTML file to PDF in Windows [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

Securing Acrobat Reader to mitigate viruses

Aside from patch updates, is there any way to mitigate the risks with adobe reader exploits? Frankly, I don’t know how most reader exploits work. However, is there any functionality that I can disable in reader that will make it more safe from most exploits? Answer Unfortunately, Adobe Reader has had numerous serious security vulnerabilites … Read more

Accessing comment context menu in Adobe Acrobat Reader

I have received a bunch of comments on a PDF document and I would like to efficiently navigate through them in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. I have activated the single-key accelerators which are helpful, but I would really like to set the status of the comment in the context menu without touching the mouse. Any … Read more